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I-35W / HWY 62 Crosstown Bridges Project

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Project Description


The I-35W/Crosstown Commons Area is heavily congested, has high crash rates and requires weaving between lanes. After several years of design setbacks due to unacceptable traffic closure periods, the Minnesota DOT pursued precast segmental alternatives in order to minimize erection times and traffic closures. Closures for major movements during construction were estimated to be no longer than two months.


Aspire Bridge Magazine Article: Minnesota Crosstown Project



Our Role


Hatcher Technical worked with construction engineer McNary Bergeron & Johannesen to develop construction shop drawings.


Areas of the project that Hatcher Technical worked on included:

  • Precast superstructure segments (6 bridges)



I-35W Minneapolis, MN




Minnesota Department of Transportation




Ames / Lunda / Schafer (Joint Venture)




PB / Parsons / URS

Total Contract Value


$288 million




2007 - 2009


Construction Method


  • Precast segmental (six bridges)

    • Balanced cantilever using ground based cranes

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