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Whole Milk Powder / Skim Milk Powder (WMP / SMP) Dryer Tower

Clandeboye, South Canterbury, New Zealand

Project Description


The new milk powder facility at Alpine Dairy Products Clandeboye plant was necessary to cope with the soaring milk production in its catchment area. At commissioning it was the largest milk powder plant in the world. At peak capacity, the facility can process up to three million lires of milk a day, converting it to milk powder at a rate of 14 tons per hour, 24 hours a day.


When completed, the tower was the tallest building structure in South Canterbury.


The milk powder process facility started production in September 1997.



Our Role


Jason Hatcher had a unique role in this project, from beginning to end. First, employed by Ormond Stock Associates, the building design consultant, Jason worked directly with the process engineers and contractor to develop the building design and construction drawings. This was a complicated structure with many structural steel platforms and decks required not only for personnel access during plant operations, but also to support the many pieces of processing equipment.


Once the design and construction drawings were complete, Jason took a role as a site foreman with main building contractor Ebert Construction. In this role, Jason supervised daily construction activities on site, taking his own drawings and using them for construction. This experience gave Jason invaluable experience at both ends of the construction process, the design office and then the construction site.



Clandeboye, South Canterbury, New Zealand




Alpine Dairy Products Limited




GEA Niro (NZ) Limited (Principal Contractor)

Ebert Construction (Building Contractor)




Ormond Stock Associates

(Building Design Consultant)


Total Contract Value


NZ$90 million (Project)

NZ$30 million (Building)




1995 - 1997


Construction Method


Structural steel framing with concrete slab ground floor, and steel decks and platforms throughout, with structural framing system to support process equipment, and EPS wall panels

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